TLS/SSL Syslog Transmission
THOR version 8.44.0 supports the Syslog log transmission in an SSL/TLS encrypted form. Just set the value “TCPTLS” as protocol in the 4th position of the target definition.
thor.exe -s mysyslogserver:6514:SYSLOG:TCPTLS
The documentation has been updated accordingly.
ZIP YARA Scanning
Until today the ZIP file checks were limited to file name IOC or anomaly checks. The new version 8.44.2 supports the scanning of ZIP file contents with the YARA rule base. However, for the time being the ZIP YARA scanning has some limitations:
- The feature is limited to files which decompressed size does not exceed the defined maximum file size (default 4.5 Megabytes)
- The feature is limited to certain scan modes: –intense, –fsonly, –dropzone
If the feature proves to be stable, we will activate it in the default scan mode in a future minor release.