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Supercharging Postfix With THOR Thunderstorm

Supercharging Postfix With THOR Thunderstorm

Have you already heard about THOR Thunderstorm,  a self-hosted THOR as a service? In this blog post, we will show how you can leverage THOR Thunderstorm to level up your email infrastructure security.THOR Thunderstorm is a web API wrapped around THOR, which accepts...

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Demystifying SIGMA Log Sources

Demystifying SIGMA Log Sources

One of the main goals of Sigma as a project and Sigma rules specifically has always been to reduce the gap that existed in the detection rules space. As maintainers of the Sigma rule repository we're always striving for reducing that gap and making robust and...

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Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet v1.9.0

We've updated our Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet to version 1.9.0.  It includes updates in almost all sections add special indicators for all kinds of Microsoft Exchange exploitation activity (ProxyLogon, ProxyShell etc.) moves Ransomware indicators to highly...

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Not All IOC Scanning Is The Same

People often tell us that EDR product X already does IOC scanning and that they don’t have to check for these indicators a second time using our scanners. Especially when it comes to network wide sweeps for traces of activity due to an ongoing incident I recommend...

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Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet v1.4

Download the newest version of our Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet here. --- Update 09.09.18 10:30am CET Thanks to Markus Neis, I've updated version 1.4 and created a version 1.5 just a few hours after my tweet. You can download version 1.5 here.

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SPARK uses Sigma Rules in Eventlog Scan

Sigma is a rule format for threat detection in log files. It is for log data what "Snort rules" are for network traffic or "YARA signatures" are for file data. It is easy to write and read. Writing a Sigma rule is a matter of minutes. On the right you can see a simple...

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YARA Rules to Detect Uncommon System File Sizes

YARA is an awesome tool especially for incident responders and forensic investigators. In my scanners I use YARA for anomaly detection on files. I already created some articles on "Detecting System File Anomalies with YARA" which focus on the expected contents of...

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