We’ve been working on a legacy version of our scanner THOR 10 for a while and started our closed BETA, which is available to all current customers on special request.
The THOR legacy version does not include the following modules/features:
- Module: Eventlog scanning
- Feature: Deeper process analysis for injection, Doppelgaenging, hollowing etc. using PE-Sieve
THOR Legacy runs on:
- Windows XP x86
- Windows Server 2003 x86 / x64
- Windows Vista x86 / x64
- Windows Server 2008 x64
We offer only limited support for this version and don’t plan to release it for old Linux or macOS versions.

THOR 10 Legacy on Windows Server 2003

THOR 10 Legacy on Windows XP
Please contact us if you are interested in participating in the closed BETA.