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Remarks on Products and Services

We constantly improve the quality of our products and services, add features and create new bundles. Follow ups with our customers showed that not all of these changes reach their attention. They are often surprised and excited to hear about these features, free tools...

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THOR-Util with HTML Report Generation

The new version of "thor-util" (used with THOR/SPARK) / "spark-core-util" (used with SPARK Core) support a feature that allows a user to convert any scanner log file into a convenient report.  Convert THOR / SPARK / SPARK Core scan logs into HTML reports Convert a...

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ASGARD Management Center version 1.4

Release notification of the ASGARD Management Center version 1.4 We have release version 1.4 for ASGARD. This version has major improvements in usability, flexibility, stability and performance. Plan and run THOR and SPARK scans on up to 10.000 endpoints – with a...

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