THOR 10 Fusion – Major Changes

by Jun 11, 2019

In anticipation of our new scanner THOR 10 Fusion, we would like to show you some of the exciting new features and upcoming changes. 

Modes and Feature Cleanup

We’ve reviewed and reworked all scan modes in order to clarify the overview of active modules and features for the user. 

In the past, it wasn’t always clear which module and feature has been auto-deactivated and auto-activated during the scan runs. 

We’ve dropped the “–fast” mode, which was rarely used intentionally but auto-activated on Workstations.

Most of the modules have been completely rewritten. 

Due to higher scan speeds we didn’t have to make many compromises. The “default” scan should take roughly as long as with THOR 8 but is much more intensive. 

Modules like the “Rootkit” module have been split up in two different sections, one with important and less dangerous checks and one with less relevant checks that could lead to an Antivirus intervention (e.g. Double Pulsar check).

This refactoring allows us to activate the module in “Soft” scan mode and set e.g. “Double Pulsar” as extra feature for that module, which is activated in “Default”, “Quick” and “Intense” scan mode. 

Separate Program and Signature Updates

Former versions of THOR have been shipped and upgraded as a complete package.

The new thor-util allows you to upgrade program files and signatures separately.

We’ll try to publish new signature packs as fast as new YARA signatures get published in VALHALLA 

Time Stamp Harmonization

The timestamps in all the different modules have been harmonized to ANSIC standard.

This was an important step to allow the creation of meaningful timelines of the discovered events. 

Configuration Files Become Scan Templates

THOR 10 uses so-called scan templates in YAML format, instead of the old config file format.

The parameters in these scan templates reflect 1:1 the command line parameters. With these new scan templates it is easy to define a set of parameters for your scan and ship them as the default scan template. 

You can even mix the configurations from multiple scan templates, e.g. define a default template and separate templates with different syslog targets for each branch office.  


JSON and Key/Value Output

You can choose from multiple options to influence the output format of the log files and SYSLOG messages sent to  remote servers. 

We handle log messages internally as objects and can easily render JSON or Key/Value pair outputs. 

This greatly simplifies the SIEM integration of all output streams. 


Difference Scan

The difference scan makes use of the THOR DB and checks only elements on disk that have been created or changed since the last scan start.

This is a new ultra fast scan mode, albeit susceptible to timestomping attacks. 

Sigma Scanning

THOR 10 inherits the Sigma scanning feature from SPARK and can now apply Sigma rules to local Eventlog entries (Windows) or log files (Windows, Linux and macOS). 

Find more information on the Sigma scanning feature in this older blog post


Better Process Memory Matches

Process memory matches now show the matching strings or code sequences found in the memory of scanned processes. 

Tagged Matches

Since our YARA rules are tagged during the integration into VALHALLA, all of them have tags including the MITRE ATT&CK tags, that help your analysts putting matches into context. 

ASGARD Integration

THOR 10 integrates seamlessly with ASGARD and shows up as third scanner next to THOR 8 and SPARK. 

The “Updates” section will show separate update settings for the scanner’s program components and signatures. 

The ASGARD menu to create new THOR 10 hunts contains all command line options dynamically extracted from the current executable.

This way it adapts to all future features and command line options that will be integrated into THOR 10 over time. 

These are only some of the changes coming with THOR 10 Fusion.

We are in schedule and excited to release it in July.

About the author:

Florian Roth

Florian Roth serves as the Head of Research and Development at Nextron Systems. With a background in IT security since 2000, he has delved deep into nation-state cyber attacks since 2012. Florian has developed the THOR Scanner and actively engages with the community via his Twitter handle @cyb3rops. He has contributed to open-source projects, including 'Sigma', a generic SIEM rule format, and 'LOKI', an open-source scanner. Additionally, he has shared valuable resources like a mapping of APT groups and operations and an Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet.

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Detect hacker activity with the advanced APT scanner THOR. Utilize signature-based detection, YARA rules, anomaly detection, and fileless attack analysis to identify and respond to sophisticated intrusions.