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Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet v1.12.0

We've updated our Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet to version 1.12.0. It includes updates in several sections New signatures for PUA like FRP and Adfind Signature strings have been sorted alphabetically (not shown in the screenshot below) You can download the new...

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New Analysis Cockpit 3.5

New Baselining Views Over the course of the last 18 months we reviewed most of our detections regarding their success in real world scenarios. In this context "success" means, that the detection uncovered malicious activity in the wild and at the same time had a low...

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Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet v1.9.0

We've updated our Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet to version 1.9.0.  It includes updates in almost all sections add special indicators for all kinds of Microsoft Exchange exploitation activity (ProxyLogon, ProxyShell etc.) moves Ransomware indicators to highly...

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Antivirus Event Analysis Cheat Sheet v1.8.2

The analysis of Antivirus events can be a tedious task in big organizations with hundreds of events per day. Usually security teams fall back to a mode of operation in which they only analyze events in which a cleanup process has failed or something went wrong.  This...

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Sigma Scanning with THOR

Our compromise assessment scanner THOR is able to apply Sigma rules during the local Eventlog analysis. This can help any customer that has no central SIEM system or performs a live forensic analysis on a system group that does not report to central monitoring.  By...

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THOR Integration into Microsoft Defender ATP

Why Integrate THOR into Microsoft Defender ATP While Microsoft Defender ATP fully plays off its strength in detecting live attacks, suspicious process starts and network connections, THOR shines as a live forensic scanner that scans the local filesystem, registry,...

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