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THOR 10 Fusion – Major Changes

THOR 10 Fusion – Major Changes

In anticipation of our new scanner THOR 10 Fusion, we would like to show you some of the exciting new features and upcoming changes.  Modes and Feature Cleanup We've reviewed and reworked all scan modes in order to clarify the overview of active modules and features...

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50 Shades of YARA

A long time ago I've noticed that there is no single best YARA rule for a given sample, but different best solutions depending on the user's requirements and use case. I noticed that I often create 2 to 3 YARA rules for a single sample that I process, while each of...

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Valhalla YARA and Sigma Rule Feed

Valhalla YARA and Sigma Rule Feed

Supercharge your detection with more than hand crafted, curated high quality YARA rules.VALHALLA boosts your detection capabilities with the power of thousands of hand-crafted high-quality YARA and Sigma rules. Our team curates more than...

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Compare our Scanners

LOKI THOR Lite THOR Description LOKI is an open-source IOC and YARA scanner written in Python. THOR Lite is a free version of our THOR scanner shipped with LOKI’s open source signature based and a limited module and feature set. THOR is our full-featured scanner with...

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ASGARD Management Center

Configure, schedule and control scans on up to 25,000 end points per instance. ASGARD Management Center also features an IOC management as well as many response functions.ASGARD Management Center is the perfect incident response platform. It not only lets you execute...

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THOR APT Scanner

Proactively detect advanced hacker activity earlier than ever. THOR’s impressive detection rate is well-known in the industry.THOR is the most sophisticated and flexible compromise assessment tool on the market. Incident response engagements often begin with a group...

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Not All IOC Scanning Is the Same

In the recent months I had several talks with friends and coworkers about IOC scanning and how to integrate IOCs from threat intel feeds into our scanners or other products that our customers already use. People often tell me that EDR or client management product X...

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How to Fall Victim to Advanced Persistent Threats

During the last four years, I was engaged on incident response teams for several large advanced persistent threat (APT) cases involving different German corporations. In this time, we have developed methods and tools to detect compromised systems, while also planning...

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Splunk Threat Intel IOC Integration via Lookups

Splunk Threat Intel IOC Integration via Lookups

Today most security teams have access to a lot of different information sources. On the one hand they collect log data from different sources and try to correlate them in a useful way in so-called SIEM systems. On the other hand they receive threat information from...

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