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ASGARD Analysis Cockpit Version 3

ASGARD Analysis Cockpit is our on-premise soft-appliance that helps you analyze large amounts of THOR log data. The new version 3, which has just been released, adds many new usability features and views. This blog post lists some of the changes. Analysis Cockpit 3...

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VALHALLA API 1.1 Changes

We've made some changes to VALHALLA and released version 1.1 and valhallAPI version 0.5 to reflect these changes.The new modified date shows when this rule has last been modified.  See this example.The modified date will also appear in the JSON feed and metadata of...

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THOR 10 Legacy for Windows XP and Windows 2003

We've been working on a legacy version of our scanner THOR 10 for a while and started our closed BETA, which is available to all current customers on special request. The THOR legacy version does not include the following modules/features: Module: Eventlog scanning...

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THOR Forensic Lab License Features

THOR version 10.6, which is currently available as TechPreview, introduces several new features that facilitates the use of THOR in a digital forensics lab. Since not all of the features provided with the "Forensic Lab" license type are well-known, we would like to...

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There’s a Thunderstorm Coming

We are proud to announce a groundbreaking new scan mode named "Thunderstorm" that we've integrated into preview builds of the upcoming THOR version 10.6. This mode of operation turns THOR into a RESTful web service that is able to process thousands of samples per...

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THOR v10.6 TechPreview

We are proud do announce the version 10.6 of THOR, which is the first one that gets released as a TechPreview. We've discussed the split-up into THOR and THOR TechPreview in a previous post.   The following post describes the most important new feature of the THOR...

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